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You said everything so perfectly!

Christy Fall

This brought me to tears because there was no better... or may I should say worse day... than today for me to read this. I was told that my son did not qualify for special classes and I know in a year when he starts in Kindergarten all heck is going to break loose. There have been nothing but doctors appointments, we are praying and hoping for a tenant to come into our lives to take over our lease so we can get into a home that is a safer environment for our son, and it goes on and on. Thank you so much for this!!!! I will be reading this over and over again for strength, humor, and to know that I am not alone!!! I wish I could hug you right now!!!! THANK YOU!!!!


fabulous. just fabulous!


Hugs to all my special needs moms. I'm right there with you!

jhimli ghosh

its amazing to see our feelings , thoughts and realisations expressed in such simple manner. thanks a lot.cheers to us- the special moms.

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